Howdy. Another series of tests and this time a truck from a business owner from my area. We are in Dębica and as you can see, there are some good guys working in transport xd I encourage you to subscribe to the channel to stay up to date and not miss any episode. HELLO TEAM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ♦♦ WEBSITE ► www.raptusmg.pl ♦♦ FACEBOOK ► www.facebook.com/Raptus_MG-101557664798144 ♦♦ INSTAGRAM ► www.instagram.com/raptus_rmg/ ♦♦ YOUTUBE ► / @raptusmg ♦♦ TIKTOK ► www.tiktok.com/@raptus.rmg_ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #raptus #rmggang