Celebrity Isa Zega has recently gone viral and is said to be Rizky Billar's mistress before marrying Lesti Kejora. Previously on September 28, Lesti Kejora was caught reporting her husband Rizky Billar to the South Jakarta Metro Police for alleged domestic violence. Not only that, Rizky Billar was also accused of having an affair with Lesti Kejora. Related to the rumor, Isa Zega's name was also dragged into the accusation of having been close to Rizky Billar in the past when the actor was not yet famous. Not just anyone, he often shows off his luxurious life and status as a land tycoon. =============================== For Business: [email protected] Disclaimer: artist images, or the latest artist videos and the latest artist news on this Channel sometimes come from various other media sources. Copyright is fully held by the source. If there is a problem related to this, you can contact us.