Our second day of trail was in Rio dos Cedros with a lot of mud and the group speeding with desire. Leave your like, comment and share. #trail #jeep #offroad Video cover photo credits to my friend Zappa https://instagram.com/zappafotoss?igs... Be a supporter of the Channel and help cover more trails throughout Brazil. PIX Key: ???????? Bank: Nu Pagamentos SA AG. 0001 C. 42455091-7 Pix Key: [email protected] Partners: Guinchos Ekron https://instagram.com/ekron_offroad?u... Awk Suspensões https://instagram.com/awksuspensoes?u... Mamute Off Road https://instagram.com/mamuteoffroad?u... Dmarco 4x4 https://instagram.com/dmarco4x4?igshi...