In the class on Warning Signs, we will learn about the concepts and all the names of the signs with several test tips. ___________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to the CFC DIGITAL channel - RAFAEL ALMEIDA / @cfcdigitalrafaelalmeida Follow me on Instagram: @rafaeldocfc ___________________________________________________________________________ Take the DETRAN test simulation links below, free: DETRAN SP Simulation Link: https://www.detran.sp.gov.br/simulado DETRAN PR Simulation Link: http://www.simulado.detran.pr.gov.br/... SIMULATION APPLICATION FOR CELL PHONE: Android application link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... IOS application link: https://apps.apple.com/br/app/simulad... Thank you very much for following me on the channel, any questions leave in the comments, it will be a pleasure to help you.