TOURIST TRAIN IN MINAS GERAIS SÃO JOÃO DEL REY TO TIRADENTES The tourist train is a VLI operation that aims to preserve the historical railway heritage. The Maria Fumaça train that connects São João del Rei to Tiradentes is the oldest in operation in Brazil and attracts tourists from all over the world. In addition to the incredible ride, the railway complex offers attractions such as the railway museum and the rotunda, a famous railway structure used for maintenance and storage of railway vehicles, preserving the memory and historical heritage of the railways. Source and information at the link: https://www.vli-logistica.com.br/esg/... JOIN US - LEAVE YOUR LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL Join us on this exciting journey through the rails of Brazil and the world! Sign up now and be part of our community passionate about railways. The next stop is full of railway adventures waiting for you! Hello, welcome to the channel! Today's tip is a YouTube channel linked to the world of railways. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL : / @ferroviadobrasil My partnership with Amazon Sports : https://amzn.to/3F3k1Pt ******************************* My partnership with Magazine Luiza : https://www.magazinevoce.com.br/magaz... ************************* Follow me on Twitter: / edsoncavalcante