In this video I did a SUPER interview with the client who built 5 lofts and 4 studio apartments with raised beds designed by my team! ALL units. The lofts have a garage space, integrated TV room and kitchen, toilet and a suite on the mezzanine. The studio apartments also have an integrated living room and kitchen, bathroom and a raised bed. Do you want to know the differences between a loft and a studio apartment with raised beds? Then watch the video and leave your like! Get your project quote remotely with us: https://www.reambientandodoseujeito.c... Video showing the project: • Condominium of 36m² lofts and studio apartments... 00:00 Introduction 00:25 About the loft + studio apartment project 02:15 Tour of 35m² loft 05:02 Interview with the client 05:15 What is it like to build? 05:50 Why did you decide to build lofts? 08:25 Studio apartment and loft or traditional apartment? 09:14 Did the architectural project help? 11:00 Do you intend to continue building? 11:25 Tips for those who intend to start building Other videos you may like: 5 properties that I would build for up to R$200,000 There is an option for R$75,000! Mini houses and Lofts • 5 properties that I would build for up to ... Tiny House 18m² 3x6 Comfort and simplicity in Brazilian Tiny House • Tiny House 18m² 3x6 Comfort and simp... Follow our social networks: ▷ / reambientandodoseujeito ▷https://www.facebook.com.br/Reambient... ▷https://t.me/Reambientandodoseujeito ▷ / reambientandodoseujeito ▷ / janewillhelm Channel REAMBIENTANDO DO SEU JEITO with arq. Jane Willhelm, for those who like architecture, decoration and want to build to live off the income. We are specialists in small spaces, and here you will find projects and tips on both building properties for renting and living, as well as interior architecture/decoration to inspire you and make your home even cooler. The project presented here is copyrighted. #loft #kitnet #hangingbed