I planned to make it a 10 minute video, but it ended up being over 25 minutes! I haven't been camping in over 10 years, but I did my best to make it enjoyable. It seems like it would be fun to meet all kinds of creatures if I went camping! Chronologically, it takes place a little after [Flandre and Marisa Want to Hang Out]. • [Touhou MMD] Flandre and Marisa Want to Hang Out A prequel-style MV to Flandre • [Touhou MMD] Kodokutsuki - MV -------------------------------- Niconico →https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3975... Twitter→ / horaimu YouTube→https://www.youtube.com/@horaimu-yout... #Touhoummd #Touhou#Flandre#Remiria#KirisameMarisa