What is the bus trip from Cuiabá to Campo Grande like with Total? A trip that lasts an average of 12 hours, on an executive bus! Let's get to know how Viação Total operates on this route, on one of the company's longest lines, between Campo Grande and Bauru. Attention information about the trip: Line: CUIABÁ X LONDRINA Duration: 12 hours Ticket: R$ 113 Estimated arrival: 7:00 pm Time: Executive SECTIONS: JACIARA (MT) RONDONÓPOLIS (MT) SONORA (MS) COXIM (MS) RIO VERDE DE MATO GROSSO (MS) SÃO GABRIEL DO OESTE (MS) BANDEIRANTES (MS) Thank you very much for watching! Like, subscribe and share. Pix: [email protected] Instagram: ofocanaviagem Thank you very much in advance. #BusTrip #ViaçãoMotta #GiroCentroOeste