Have you ever stopped to think that no one can live your purpose for you? In today’s video, I share about the importance of taking responsibility for what God has entrusted to you. Just as Noah had to build the ark alone, without waiting for approval or help from others, each of us has a unique mission that cannot be delegated. The journey may be difficult, but God believes in your ability to fulfill what He has called you to do. The mission that God has given you is yours alone, and it requires courage and faith to be fulfilled. We cannot expect others to do for us what is our responsibility. Even when the challenges seem great and the journey seems lonely, God is by your side, strengthening and guiding you. Trust must be in what He has already spoken to your heart, because faith is the foundation that sustains our journey. In this video, I invite you to take the first step towards your purpose, without waiting for external validation or support. If God has called you, He has already prepared the way and given you everything you need to move forward. No one will do it for you, and your faith is what will lead you to complete this mission. Remember: God does not work with copies, his calling is unique and is waiting for your action. -------------- You can also listen to the sermons on the platforms below: • Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/2yXSY... • Deezer - https://www.deezer.com/br/artist/1473... • Napster - https://br.napster.com/artist/deive-l... Technical information: Direction: Nick Miranda (@Nick_miranda) Executive production: Nonstop / Marco Antonio Martins Technical production: Zebra Filmes Audio capture and mixing: Kaléu Runze Keyboard: Andre Fuckner Colorist: Erick Moraes Editing: Thierry Felipe finalization: Nick Miranda Art design / Motion Design: Pedro Merino