Yener and @yenerbozkurt completed our casual chat about Torres Evx with a driving experience. Our conversations will continue. Don't forget to subscribe. You can join the Torres Evx Whatsapp Community from the link below, but remember that only Evx owners can join. https://chat.whatsapp.com/CzENK8IhcQ3... You can also find the link to our original accessory sales site for Torres and Torres Evx below. http://shopier.com/TorresGarage https://www.instagram.com/torresgarag... #ssangyong #ssangyongtorres #torresevx #electriccar #evx #kgmobility #torres #kgmtorresevx #ssangyongtorresevx #ssangyongkgmtorresevx #automobile #evcar #evcars #torresevx #ElectricCarReview #ElectricCarMistakes #ReasonsForChoosingElectricCar #EVUserExperience #ElectricCarSelection #EVPerformance #ElectricCarProblems #TorresEVXFeatures #ElectricCarAdvantages #SustainableTransportation #EVReview #TorresEVXUserReview #electriccarSuggestions