⭐️ The best offers for running courses from Simple Run for our subscribers - https://simplerun.ru/ytpromo Recommendations for performing exercises on running technique: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/9qp_paoUT9tIeQ __________________________________ You can and should work on running technique endlessly. It will change with experience, weight change, increase in pace, muscle development... But the basics will remain the same. This is what we will improve today! Exercises on running technique are an important part of a runner's preparation. Of course, the best exercise for running is running, but exercises like the ones we will show you today will help you make your runs safer and more effective. Watch, remember and take them into service! _______________________________________ 0:00 Introduction 0:49 Why do the exercises 3:01 Best exercises for technique 3:16 Body position, Munchausen 5:02 Engaging strong muscles 7:00 Arm work, Mirror 8:30 Step frequency, Cadence 10:28 Running from a standing start 11:46 Recommendations #RunningTechnique #Exercises #SimpleRun