For years, an international beverage company has been trying to tap into a large groundwater reservoir for its bottling plant near Lüneburg. The water is so deep that the company and the responsible authorities assume that the population's drinking water supply will not be affected. You can watch the feature film here in the ARD media library: https://www.ardmediathek.de/sendung/b... The documentary is based on exclusive research that was incorporated into the television film of the same name. The award-winning author Daniel Harrich shows the reality behind the fiction: The company has referred to a report it submitted that is supposed to confirm that the water extraction is harmless. But there have long been doubts about this. A local citizens' initiative does not trust the report. It wants to stop the ongoing approval process. "We are not selling!" and "There is no Planet B" are written on its posters. With the help of scientists, Daniel Harrich is investigating how critical the situation could actually become as a result of the planned pumping out of the water supplies. The filmmaker comes across a number of worrying new data and findings. Harrich accompanies the groundwater ecologist PD Dr. Hans Jürgen Hahn from the University of Koblenz-Landau, who is investigating the connection between surface and groundwater. His concern: the extraction of groundwater can have a fatal effect on the water balance on the surface due to climate change. The case shows what we all face if there are increasing distribution battles over the increasingly scarce groundwater reserves. In short: who owns the drinking water? During filming, the company announced that it now wanted to stop the project, which it had "pursued with great effort for years", "for the time being". The reason: the mineral water market had declined. When asked, the citizens' initiative stated that it considered this announcement to be a tactical move. How the dispute over the water near Lüneburg will end may therefore remain open. This documentary by Daniel Harrich has the original title: Until the last drop, broadcast date: March 16, 2022. #swrdoku #swr All statements and facts correspond to the status at the time and have not been updated since then. You can watch the feature film here in the ARD media library: https://www.ardmediathek.de/sendung/b... Here you can take part in the ARD project CROWD SCIENCE: REPORT DROUGHT IN YOUR AREA #unserWasser! All information about the ARD project can be found here: https://www.daserste.de/unser-wasser Subscribe to the channel: / swrdoku