This series of videos shows our car trip with our Parents in August 2023 from Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk region) to the Caucasus. I filmed the road in detail - the quality of the asphalt surface, detours around traffic jams, repairs, infrastructure, etc. In general, everything that might be useful to a traveler by car. The entire journey was more than 6 thousand km. In the Caucasus, we settled in Kislovodsk, walked around it in detail, also with filming, then went to Dzhily-su, this is a very cool place with an interesting and in places difficult road, but the spirit there will take your breath away for a lifetime, I have not seen such serpentines in our country, we also visited Dombay and other places. I think my content will be very useful to people who are going to travel long distances by car for the first time or to those who have been traveling for a long time and choose better and more convenient roads and is interesting to those who themselves do not have the opportunity to travel by car for various reasons. My content allows the viewer to feel like a participant in our trip, almost full presence in the car.. Many viewers leave such reviews!! Thank you all for your attention and good mood! Join us ) Community in VK: https://vk.com/club191397328 YandexZen AvtoSnz74 https://dzen.ru/id/622f610ce7a2de003f... YandexZen Den4ik74: https://dzen.ru/id/6231c7245fef7a4a28... Rutube: https://rutube.ru/channel/24638306/ Donate with a message: Sberbank 2202202020588517 Donate with a message: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/den4... Donate with a message: https://donate.qiwi.com/payin/AvtoSnz74 For communication on advertising and video editing: [email protected] Time codes: 00:01 information on the on-board computer Road to Syzran from Oktyabrsk 00:55 drove into Valy. 01:24 drove into Syzran. Dad reads out information about the city. 11:38 walk along the Syzran embankment. Local Kremlin and beauty. 15:19 drive further around the city of Syzran by car. 29:08 drive onto the highway to Saratov #cartrip #cartrip #nacaucasus #cartrip #cartrip