KÖNIG-JINMA TD1304 owner's review after several months of operation. In this video you will see why the owner of MTZ 922.3 was disappointed in it and what problems he had during the operation of the Belarusian tractor. Why he stopped at KÖNIG-JINMA TD1304. He will tell about all the pros and cons. He will show his improvements and how he works with it. KÖNIG-JINMA TD1304: https://clck.ru/39T8ea Phone: 8 (800) 555-0568 Our website: https://clck.ru/39T6mD https://clck.ru/39T6gr Zen: https://dzen.ru/tractor_rusich?share_... Our TIKTOK: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJb6PJLE/ We are on vk: https://vk.com/chuvashpiller Our channel / TractorRusich #tractor #MTZ #jinma