Creating a food garden with a beautiful garden design is Vieta's dream in gardening. Utilizing a 72 square meter yard, Vieta built a minimalist garden with lasagna beds planted with vegetables, herbs, refuge flowers, and potted vegetables and fruits. Not only planting organically, she also maximizes the side of the garden by planting hydroponically. In this episode, @kebunvieta will share inspiration about maximizing minimalist land into a food garden, as well as how to make beds with a layered system without digging the soil (lasagna). What's the inspiration like? Watch in full.. ======================================== Visit our website: http://www.daaitv.co.id/DAAI-WP/ Subscribe to our youtube channel: / bumikusatu Follow us on instagram: / bumiku1daaitv Like our facebook: / daaitvindonesia ========================================= BUMIKU SATU SHOWS EVERY FRIDAY AT 19.30 WIB. ONLY ON DAAI TV. #bumikusatu #gardeningfortheearth #gardeningfortheearth #gardeninginthepandemic #spreadkindness #bumiku1daaitv #gogreen #gardening #organicgardening #organic