⭐️Telegram channel➡️ https://t.me/+SrJBSw14pJA5NGUy ⭐️My Instagram➡️ / artem.pankovich ⭐️VK community➡️ https://vk.com/supermegaavtoslesar ⭐️Song in the video➡️ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T57i... ⭐️Become a sponsor of the channel, and you will get access to exclusive bonuses. More details➡️: / @artempankovich The video shows the process of replacing the timing belt on a 2010 Volkswagen Caddy with a 1.9 TDI PD engine. We will change the entire kit together with the water pump, tension and idler rollers and, of course, the belt itself. The video shows the timing marks of a Volkswagen 1.9 TDI. You can also learn how to change the timing belt, when to change the timing belt and how to tension the timing belt. Tensioning the timing belt is a very important operation when replacing the timing belt. If the timing belt is tensioned incorrectly, it may slip or break. In this case, if the timing belt breaks, the timing belt bends the valves. Replacing the timing belt with your own hands is a fairly common job, performed periodically on all cars. Naturally, it raises some questions in terms of the correct installation of the marks. We will see how to replace and correctly install the pump, how to tension the belt, in what position, on which side? For some people, the process of installing the belt on a 1.9 TDI engine is difficult, since out of habit they put the belt on the tension roller at the very end, but here the work is done a little differently. In this video, we will also consider all the points, attachment points that need to be unscrewed and then tightened when replacing the belt. After watching this video, you will be able to independently perform such operations as: replacing the timing belt VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi replacing the timing belt of VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi engines replacing the timing belt VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi replacing the timing belt with your own hands VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi replacing the timing belt VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi replacing the timing belt engine VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi engine repair VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi belt replacement VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi change the timing belt VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi replacement timing belt VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi replacement belt VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi pump replacement VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt kit VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi change the timing belt VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi replacement belt VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt replacement VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing roller replacement VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi how to tighten the timing roller VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing roller tensioner VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi Including you can remove and then install yourself: timing belt engine VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt marks VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt kit VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt kit VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing roller VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt engine VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing roller VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt roller VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt tensioner roller VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt tensioner roller VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt tensioner roller VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt roller kit VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt rollers pump VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt rollers pump VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi timing belt idler roller VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi tensioner roller VOLKSWAGEN 1.9 tdi REPLACING THE TIMING BELT VOLKSWAGEN 1.9tdi PD REPLACING THE TIMING BELT VOLKSWAGEN 1.9tdi PD CARRIER OUT OF VOLKSWAGEN 1.9tdi PD TIMING BELT REPLACEMENT VOLKSWAGEN 1.9tdi PD See also my videos, collected in playlists, on the following problems and malfunctions: ENGINE. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE • ENGINE. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE / MO... ENGINE TIMING CHAINS REPLACEMENT • ENGINE TIMING CHAIN / STEUERKETTE / TI... TIMING BELTS REPLACEMENT • TIMING BELT AND PUMP REPLACEMENT tu5jp4. TAGS... ENGINE OIL LEAK REPAIR • ENGINE OIL LEAK / MOTORÖLLECK / ... BRAKE SYSTEM REPAIR • BRAKE SYSTEM / BREMSANLAGE / BRA... CLUTCH REPLACEMENT • CLUTCH REPLACEMENT / KUPPLUNGSWECHSEL /... HUB BEARING REPLACEMENT • HUB BEARING REPLACEMENT / AUSTAU... ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM REPAIR • ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM / MOTORK... EGR, EXHAUST GAS RECIRCULATION SYSTEM REPAIR • EGR, EXHAUST GAS RECIRCULATION SYSTEM ... GENERATOR. OVERHEAD CLUTCH • GENERATOR. OVERRUN CLUTCH / GENERATOR... TURBINE • TURBINE / TURBOCHARGER / TURBOLAD... STEERING RACK • STEERING RACK / LENKGETRIEBE / STEERI... FUEL SYSTEM • FUEL SYSTEM / KRAFTSTOFFSYSTEM ... Click PLAY, put your thumb up and, of course, subscribe to the channel!!!))) 2020-12-19 2022-02-08