Childhood heroes, crowd-pullers, cultural assets, role models, great people: the time has come, we are finally honoring BUD SPENCER and TERRENCE HILL. Or Carlo Pedersoli and Mario Girotti, these two strong guys who have won the hearts of more than three generations around the world with 17 films together (and one in which they didn't appear quite so together). And because the best horse can't fart without hay, we brought two more strong guys, Thilo Gosejohann and Sean David, into Schröck's studio to rave about one of the greatest duos in film history. From HANNIBAL to THE TROUBLEMAKER, from THE LEFT AND RIGHT HAND OF THE DEVIL to FOUR FISTS AGAINST RIO with detours, breaks or stopovers over, for and with everything the blouse has to offer, be it TWO MISSIONARIES, THE CROCODILE AND HIS HIPPO, FOUR FOR A AVE MARIO or the airless number PIRATE OF THE SEAS. The three want to explore everything that makes up the charm, the strength, the wit, the fascination of a classic Spencer Hill film, celebrate a few favorites and hopefully shake so many anecdotes out of their heads until their pants fly off at some point. And before you try to sharpen our asparagus until we're considered peaches: Don't panic, things like TWO ACES ARE UP, TWO HEAVENLY DOGS ON THE WAY TO HELL or HILL OF BLOODY BOOTS are also mentioned. What is not mentioned, however, are the individual films of the two. We'll save those for another special, we have to have enough time. In this sense: marble, stone and iron may break, but our love for these two will not. Part your hair, put on a few beans, send another postcard from Solingen and make room for the Langvogts, now it's getting nostalgic. And hopefully just as nice for you as it is for us. Thank you Mario. Thank you Carlo. Futtetenne. ►You can find Sean David Lowe on Instagram here: / sean_david_official ►You can find Thilo Gosejohann on Instagram here: / thilogosejohann ►Kino Plus in the playlist: https://rbtv.to/KinoPlusYTPl ►Characters from film and television: https://rbtv.to/comiccave (affiliate link) ►All Rocket Beans TV videos, streams, information, etc. here: https://rocketbeans.tv ►Do you like our content? Decide for yourself how much it's worth to you and support us at https://rbtv.to/support. Thank you! ►Our dos and don'ts when commenting on RBTV content: https://rbtv.to/DosDonts ►Amazon Affiliate: https://goo.gl/t06e0X ►Amazon Affiliate Gaming: http://amzn.to/2kIO8VK ►The link to our fashion label: http://www.rktbns.de/ ►Our shop: http://www.rocketbeans.tv/shop/ The YouTube channels of Rocket Beans TV ►The Rocket Beans TV channel: / rocketbeanstv ►The Game Two channel: / gametwo ►The Rocket Beans Gaming channel: / rocketbeansgaming ►The Rocket Beans Kino+ channel: / kinoplus ►The Rocket Beans Bohndesliga channel: / @bohndesliga ►The Rocket Beans Let's Play channel: / rocketbeansletsplay The Social media channels of the Rocket Beans: ►Facebook: / rocketbeanstv ►TikTok: / therocketbeans ►Twitter: / therocketbeans ►Instagram: / rocketbeans.tv ►Forum: https://forum.rocketbeans.tv #rbtv #KinoPlus #BudSpencer #TerenceHill #Kino