This is What is Actually Called Intention _ Not Heartbreak ‼️ study of the sincere book ‼️ Week: 13 (Guru Bakhiet) ???? Explanation of the contents of the book being read: The Book of Ikhlas or Kitabul Ikhlas is a classic work that discusses the meaning of sincerity in worship and charity. This book emphasizes the importance of pure intentions in every action, especially worship, so that everything is done only to seek God's pleasure, not for worldly motives or appreciation from people. The content includes: *Definition of Sincerity: Explains the meaning of sincerity in terminological and practical terms, and explains how sincerity is the basis of every good deed accepted by God. *The Importance of Sincerity in Worship: Discussing why sincerity is a condition for the acceptance of acts of worship, both mahdhah worship (such as prayer and fasting) and mahdhah worship (such as charity and social kindness). * Examples of Insincere Practices: Citing examples of deeds that look good on the outside but are not accepted because their intentions are impure, such as riya (showing off) and sum'ah (wanting to be heard). *How to Maintain Sincerity: Provides guidance and advice on how a Muslim can maintain sincerity in every act, including how to avoid worldly temptations and human praise. *Signs of Sincerity: Explains the signs of people who do good deeds sincerely, such as peace of mind, the desire to do good without selflessness, and not expecting anything in return from creatures. *Stories of Sincere People: This book also often includes exemplary stories from scholars, friends, and pious people who are known to be sincere in their every act. Kitabul Ikhlas is very helpful to its readers in understanding and applying the concept of sincerity in everyday life, both in worship and social interaction. #tasawuf #gurubakhietterbaru2024 #gurubakhiet #ceramahgurubakhiet #ceramahgurubakhietterbaru #gurubakhietlive #gurubakhietterbaru #khmuhammadbakhiet #khmuhammadbakhietterbaru #mumpunihadayaekti #ceramahgurubakhietterbaru2024 #salat #short #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #subscribe #shortsfeed #tausiyah #tau hid #repentance #short talk #ceramah #ceramahagama #ceramahlucu #ceramahpendek #ulama #ulamaindonesia #alhikam #gurusekumpul #gurusekumpulmartapura #guruzuhdilucu #guruzahidi #guruzuhditerbaru #guruzuhdianoor @poinkajianislam @MajelisRasulullahChannel @AHILMANFAUZI @RumahQuranTV @yufid @AlBahjahTV @TAMANSURGANET @AdiHidayatOfficial @firnandahidayah @HidayahIndonesia @FSR MMTV @MOBAL @UstadzDhanuOfficialChannel @tribuntimur @ustadzabdulsomadofficial @khzainuddinmz7335 Tags: kh muhammad bakhiet, study of kh muhammad bakhiet, study of ustad bakhiet, study of teacher bakhiet barabai, study of abah teacher bakhiet, ustad bakhiet, kh bakhiet latest, teacher bakhiet live, muhibbin barabai, teacher bakhiet, the latest bakhiet teacher 2024, the latest bakhiet teacher talk, the latest bakhiet teacher talk 2024, the bakhiet teacher talk, the full bakhiet teacher talk, the latest bakhiet, the latest kh muhammad bakhiet, kh muhammad bakhiet, kh muhammad bakhiet studies, bakhiet teacher studies, ustad studies bakhiet, study of teacher bakhiet barabai, study of abah teacher bakhiet, ustad bakhiet, latest kh bakhiet, muhammad bakhiet, teacher bakhiet prayer, teacher bakhiet about prayer, god's gift when experiencing difficulties, god's gift, when experiencing difficulties, experiencing difficulties, difficulties, advice allah when experiencing difficulties, the secret of allah when experiencing difficulties, when experiencing difficulties, difficulties, allah, allah allah, guru bakhiet, the latest guru bakhiet, kh muhammad bakhiet, blessings of blessings, difficulties difficulties, Islamic studies, sunnah studies, makrifat studies, BAKHIET GURU , ABA GURU BAKHIET, BOOK OF MAHABBAH, BOOK OF TAFAKKUR, ASMAUL HUSNA, IMAM AL GHAZALI, KH. MUHAMMAD BAKHIET, TASAWUF Playlist Kitab Al Hikam: • STUDY OF TASAWUF KITAB AL - HIKAM Kitab Busholat ihya Ulumuddin: • Study KITABBOSHOLAT (Imam Al - Gh... Kitab Mahabbah (Imam Al Ghazali): • Study of the book Mahabbah (Imam al-Ghazali) Book of Risalah Taubat (Imam Al Ghazali): • Study of the book of Risalah Taubat (Imam ... Book of Budtafakur (Imam Al Ghazali): • Study of the Book of Budtafakur Kitabbul Ikhlas (Imam Al Ghazali) • STUDY OF TASAWUF KITABBUL IKHLAS Kitab Taqiratussadidah (Imam Al Ghazali) • Book of TAQRIRATUSSADIH Book of Arbain Nawiyah (hadith) • Pangajin Book of Arbain Nawiyah