What if I told you that at this very moment, every desire you have is already coming your way, like an inevitable wave from the cosmic ocean... but you are unconsciously blocking its arrival? The ancient masters had an expression for this. They said: 'He who tries to hold the wind in his hands, only creates a storm in his life.' In the next few minutes, I will reveal to you something that will completely change the way you see reality. A discovery so powerful that it made even the most skeptical scientists rethink everything they knew about the power of the human mind. -------------------------------------------- THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF SUCCESS is dedicated to exploring the ideas and techniques of the Law of Attraction, a concept according to which people attract things into their lives through the thoughts and energy they emit. On this channel, you will find videos about the work of influential thinkers such as Bob Proctor and Neville Goddard, who are known for their inspirational and motivational approaches on how to apply the Law of Attraction in personal and professional life. In addition, the channel also covers topics related to manifestation, creative visualization, and manifestation techniques to help people attract the life of their dreams. If you are interested in learning more about how to apply the Law of Attraction in your life, this is the right place! Each video is made with care and subtitled so that you absorb every word and feel so positive and motivated that it will infect anyone around you. The Awakening is collective, whenever you can share content from here so that more people can be enlightened too. Subscribe and press the notification bell to stay on top of the channel's news. This project is the effort of one person. -------------------------------------------- HELP WITH THE DISCLOSURE: ✅ SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL and don't miss the next videos! We have videos every week to nourish your mind and strengthen each day. -------------------------------------------- Share this video with your friends: #nevillegoddard #Prosperity #Get Rich #Wealth #atyourcommand #lawofassumption