TELEGRAM CHANNEL “SPECIFIC EVERY DAY!” ➞ http://t.me/felipekoxuerj MIND MAP OF THIS VIDEO ➞ / checrpgmn84 ___________________ In the last 10 years, TWENTY questions about the Cold War have appeared in the Qualifying Exams. Since the 2014 entrance exam, in EVERY year there has been a question about the subject in at least one of the exams. For that reason alone, it is already a subject worth keeping an eye on. But, in addition to that, it is interesting to note that the 2021 UERJ Notice came out differently. Due to the pandemic, the syllabus was reduced and several topics were cut. But, despite the removal of several items from the notice, most of the ones in which Cold War questions are included remain there. So there are 2 reasons for you to keep an eye on this subject: 1) IT ALWAYS COMES UP!; 2) The notice has changed, but these items ARE STILL THERE! In 17 minutes, I gave a general overview of the minimum you MUST know about the Cold War for UERJ. This is the first video in a series where I will cover the main fundamentals of each of the most frequently asked questions on the exams. If you are going to UERJ, check it out. I hope it is useful! ????????