Hello, how are you?! In this video I teach you about the fascinating world of dental morphology. We will explore the division of teeth into thirds and analyze the structure and face of the teeth. ???????? From incisors to molars, we will learn how this division is key in dentistry. Ready to understand dental anatomy like never before? Press play and share your comments! All this information was taken from a research article. Greetings! ✅WEBSITE: https://xn--cirujanodentistaedgargonz... ✅ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSHES: https://tienda-dental.xn--cirujanoden... **Another video that I recommend: ✔️Why do my teeth have white spots?!: • WHY do my TEETH have WHITE SPOTS... ———————————————————————————————————- ????????Videos that may interest you:???????? ✔️Tonsilloliths What are they? Why do they appear? How are they treated? / tonsil stones: • TONSILLOLITES???? What are they? Why do they come out... ✔️Why do abscesses appear on the gums / 6 possible causes: • WHY do ABSCESSES appear on the GUMS /... ✔️Why do my teeth have white spots?!: • WHY do my TEETH have WHITE STAINS... Join this channel to access its benefits: / @edgargonzálezquiñones ????????HERE I LEAVE YOU SOME NETWORKS... ???????? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** ✅FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... ** ✅PERSONAL INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/edgargonqui?igs.... ** ➡️CHANNEL INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/cd._edgar.glez.... ** ✅Tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tucanalodonto... See you in the next video :)