The discomfort of an Italian of Jewish religion who feels in danger going to synagogue or even just wearing the kippa. The impossibility of seeing the Riace Bronzes, in Reggio Calabria, in this period. The floods, in Piedmont and beyond. Italian teenagers and the news. Young children and tablets. The British Labour Party, back in government after 14 years. The elections in France. It is on these topics that you have sent your voice messages (via WhatsApp) to the number 345 6125226 and to which Beppe Severgnini responds in this episode of «Radio Italians», the Sunday appointment of the podcast «Giorno per giorno». Listen to all the episodes of «Giorno per giorno» here: • Giorno per Giorno The Daily Podcast... Subscribe to the channel to not miss the next updates: / @corrieredellasera