Watch the new Speed Date, then give your opinion about all the date participants and all the ladies and gentlemen participating in our date show! Only in Speed Date, the second girl came and said, "I came to have fun and reject everyone in the middle of the show, which we took away her right to reject. Out of respect for you, as you can see, and the Speed Date participants, now in general, because the guys who come to Speed Date are finally serious in the show and decision-making, and there are even discussions, we stop these kinds of participants who say, "We came to Speed Date" and we go everywhere. Even the guy, Mohammad, who was very polite, cried after the recording. You commented that all the blind dates and anonymous dates participated. We understood that, but I'm saying that we can't waste our time and money on a series of people entertaining themselves. I hope you understand. The other participants, please give your opinion. We're reading, as always, stay home and on the line. It's easier to stay in touch. The show's Instagram page (Roo Line): / roo.line #blind_date #speeddate #blinddate