Three months ago, a video dedicated to depressive English-language songs was released on the channel: in it, I asked the channel's viewers to suggest their own versions of Russian-language songs that make you sad and melancholy. Since then, more than 2,000 comments have accumulated, which means it's time to collect all your options and, based on them, compile a top 10 of the most depressive Russian-language songs. 00:00 - Intro 02:04 - 10th place 04:27 - 9th place 06:29 - 8th place 08:55 - 7th place 11:02 - 6th place 12:58 - 5th place 14:49 - 4th place 16:58 - 3rd place 18:57 - 2nd place 20:53 - 1st place Blog on Zen: https://dzen.ru/thanks_will_listen For advertising integrations: [email protected]