Hello everyone! Another reflection on how good the old air-cooled Harley-Davidson (Evo and TC) are compared to modern liquid-cooled motors. Pros and cons of air-cooled motors, operating features, service life, and most importantly - how prone are these motors to overheating? For those who want to support my HD-tediousness - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/mrch... Telegram GROUP for sympathizers and HD owners, where useful technical information is published, as well as news mainly on Harley topics - https://t.me/HarleyAdeptClub Telegram CHAT for sympathizers and HD owners, where you can find answers to many questions related to the ownership and operation of Harley-Davidson motorcycles - https://t.me/+RYtSoReOACguvHOI Yandex Zen - https://dzen.ru/mrchening My Instagram - / My VK - https://vk.com/chening Vkontakte Group MrChening & Harley Adept Club - https://vk.com/club226910692