In the video you will see how to view and download data about Geology in the Geoportal of CPRM - Geological Survey of Brazil and in other CPRM websites. You will also see how to use the elevation profile tool of the CPRM geoportal. Links accessed in the video: Geoportal Link ↠ https://geoportal.cprm.gov.br/geosgb/ Isoietas ↠ https://www.sgb.gov.br/publique/Hidro... Bathymetry ↠ https://www.cprm.gov.br/publique/Geol... Alternative link for bathymetry ↠ https://hub.arcgis.com/maps/06ec99956... Video about the QGIS plugin that generates an elevation profile: Link ↠ • Generate elevation profile in QGIS with ... Following some recommendations, we decided to leave our Pix, in case you want to collaborate with the project. Pix: [email protected] (Jocilene Barros). Thank you very much. Blog ↠ https://www.geoaplicada.com/blog Youtube ↠ / geoaplicada Facebook ↠ https://fb.me/geoaplicada