Osamu Excel's complete "ExcelPro" course! The definitive online Excel course where you can get all the professional techniques of Excel in one. You can steal all the practical techniques that are not taught on YouTube. Over 7,000 participants! →https://youseful.jp/lp/excelpro/a/?ut... ???? [Free luxurious benefits] Get a free trial version of ExcelPro e-learning by registering on LINE ???? https://liff.line.me/1657007412-72PEW... *For corporate training requests to Youseful, please click here https://business.youseful.jp/ ???? MC Profile "Osamu: Kohei Nagauchi" CEO of Youseful Co., Ltd. After studying abroad at the University of Washington through IBP and graduating from Kobe University's Faculty of Business Administration, he joined Itochu Corporation as a new graduate. He specializes in accounting and taxation and is involved in trade and investment projects. After leaving the company in July 2018, he founded Youseful Co., Ltd. He runs "Youseful/Skill Library," Japan's largest Microsoft practical training channel with 430,000 subscribers, and also developed and runs "ExcelPro," the definitive short-term intensive online Excel course that can be taken from anywhere in the country. His book "Excel: Textbook for the Job" is a bestseller with over 150,000 copies sold (4.2 rating on Amazon with over 1,000 reviews). He provides digital human resource development services for corporations and introduces IT engineers and high-class business personnel. He is also active in a wide range of fields, including management consulting, corporate lectures, training, writing, and media appearances. Amazon: https://amzn.asia/d/fTLS4q0 Web: https://youseful.jp/ ------------------------------------------------00:00:00 Table of Contents Excel Textbook: Learn everything in just one video00:00:24 1-01 What are the "types" of input data that they don't teach you at work? 00:04:21 1-02 Numbers have two sides 00:08:11 1-03 Understand "serial values" that show dates and times 00:12:23 1-04 How to enter continuous data, useful for any document creation 00:16:50 1-05 Understand cell references and reuse one formula 00:22:08 1-06 Master the selection of "formats" when pasting data 00:27:18 1-07 Before blindly creating a table, understand the concept of databases 00:32:19 1-08 Read text files at the delimiter in one go 00:37:27 1-09 Tips for efficient and accurate data correction 00:41:47 1-10 Use the TRIM function to remove unnecessary spaces 00:46:37 2-01 & 02 The versatile IF function switches the display according to conditions00:54:10 2-03 Expand the scope of the IF function by using the AND and OR functions01:01:16 2-04 The COUNTIFS function instantly counts the number of data that matches a condition01:10:33 2-05 The SUMIFS function instantly finds the sum of data that matches a condition01:15:44 2-06 The ROUNDDOWN function is a must for rounding amounts01:19:26 3-01 & 02 Master the VLOOKUP function in 3 steps! 01:23:44 3-03 Documents with error values displayed are not pretty01:26:51 3-04 More efficient with input-free "lists"01:29:37 3-05 Using tables automatically handles increases and decreases in data01:33:30 3-06 Eliminate the need to modify the argument [column number]01:40:32 3-07 Searching for "greater than or equal to less than" results in a rare match of TRUE(1)! 01:46:05 3-08 Refer to master data in another sheet01:50:15 3-09 Use part of a complex ID as an argument [search value]01:58:40 3-10 Replace duplicate data with unique data02:05:06 3-11 Two functions that enable more advanced searches02:11:19 4-01 & 02 The first step in data analysis is the "sort" master02:15:17 4-03 Extract and correct furigana from names02:19:17 4-04 Instantly narrow down to only the information you want02:24:10 4-05 & 06 Analyze data from various perspectives02:29:24 4-07 Quickly find sales by quarter or month02:35:20 4-08 Create a sales table for each person in charge on each sheet at once02:40:08 4-09 Improve your communication skills! Let's visualize the results of the calculations02:46:25 5-01 & 02 Enable collaborative editing and edit simultaneously as a team02:52:36 5-03 Formula errors that can't be found just by looking02:59:12 5-04 Design rules for creating beautiful sheets03:07:34 5-05 Create a system to immediately find input errors03:12:36 5-06 Format cells to prevent data omissions! 03:18:44 5-07 Prevent the deletion of incorrect data and rewriting of formulas03:24:26 5-08 Adjust print settings to create easy-to-read documents#ExcelProCourse #Change the way you work in 2 weeks #From the description section********************************************************************