Keep learning about the engineering behind a touch screen here: https://platzi.com/blog/how-it-works... Have you ever wondered how your smartphone screen works? How is it that with one or more touches you can interact with your phone with great precision? There are actually several types of touch screens: infrared, resistive, and capacitive. In this Platzi Live Uriel Ramírez, @ThespianArtist, teaches you how each of these types of touch screens works, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as what types of devices they have been used in. Do you want to know more about how computers, smartphones, networks, the internet, and more work? Visit Platzi's Software Engineering Fundamentals course. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All this and more at http://platzi.com Subscribe to us! Facebook: http://bit.ly/platzifb Here on YouTube: http://bit.ly/mejoryt