THE LIE OF THE TERRITORIAL GUARD DOG Welcome to another video of the Santa Morte Presa Canario, today a video where I expose my opinion of what a territorial guard dog should be like, with innate, genetic aggression and not disguised through stimuli, hunting hunting, training this, training that, that is, generating confidence and experiences in totally average dogs and having them as the machines of the function, dogs that have no real aptitude to be a stud dog or a matrix of a kennel or of a serious selection. Here I try to wait for the dog to develop normally until the age in which he begins to show me what he is, only then I begin training to polish what the dog has, not to build bad dogs, or deceive people who need a real protection dog. For example, Carnicero was NEVER stimulated in any way, and in the test he was aggressive, without talking or stories, and that way I will select dogs with real aggression so that only then will I make them part of my selection of guard dogs, the selection of the traditional Presa Canario. If the dog has to work, the MOST IMPORTANT thing is temperament and health, with the structure helping the dog to work and move. I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF NATURAL GUARDIANSHIP, don't get me wrong, I am in favor of KNOWING the real quality of the dog by giving it time, without having to teach a mediocre dog. AND WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS? COMMENT BELOW SHIRTS AND PUPPIES - TALK TO GABRIEL ON THE NUMBER BELOW (21) 97942-9495 HOW SHOULD YOU CHOOSE A PRESA • HOW SHOULD YOU CHOOSE A PRESA CANA... I IMPORTED A PRESA CANARIO • I IMPORTED A PRESA CANARIO FROM EUROPE TELEGRAM Channel https://t.me/santapresa Offered by IBC & Natural Formula Subscribe and leave your like ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ our Instagram @santamortepresa Follow us there www.bandog.com.br Our partner in collars and accessories ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ For more information, please contact #presacanario #pitmonster #canecorso