The film “Cat Island” records the work of the “Veterinarians on the Road” project on a small island located in a coastal region of Rio de Janeiro. In the 1950s, cats were abandoned on the island and proliferated until they became “wild”. These animals affected the island’s natural biota, constituting a socio-environmental problem. This film will give the viewer the opportunity to enter the universe of this team of veterinarians whose goal is to control the population of these animals so that they stop proliferating and stop inhabiting the island. CAST Amélia Oliveira Daniela Castro Eduardo Pedroso Grasielly Ramos de Melo João de Oliveira Jorge Grego Kelley Caminha Nemer Luciana Guimarães Willyam Coimbra INTERVIEWEES Amélia Oliveira Daniela Castro Eduardo Pedroso Grasielly Ramos de Melo Jorge Grego Kelley Caminha Nemer Luciana Guimarães GUEST VETERINARY DOCTORS Daniela Castro Luciana Guimarães ZOOTECHNICIAN Kelley Caminha Nemer CAPTURE SPECIALIST Eduardo Pedroso SUPPORT TEAM João de Oliveira Jorge Grego Willyam Coimbra GUEST VETERINARY MEDICINE INTERN Grasielly Ramos de Melo COORDINATION Amélia Oliveira DIRECTION Diego Lara RESEARCH, ARGUMENT AND SCREENPLAY Diego Lara PRODUCTION AND COMPLETION Diego Lara Jackson Abacatu IMAGES Crys Jardim Diego Lara Jackson Abacatu AERIAL LEVERAGE Drone Horizonte DRONE OPERATOR Dartagnam Viana VISUAL EFFECTS Jackson Abacatu EDITING ASSISTANT Crys Jardim AUDIO RECORDING Diego Lara Jackson Abacatu SOUND DESIGN AND MIXING Frederico Mucci EDITING Diego Lara SOUNDTRACK Original Track – Los Gatos Original Track – Despedida Felina Composed by Frederico Mucci Tracks taken from the freemusicarchive website Bruno Bassi – My corazon ès tuyo Doctor Turtle – Todays Special Jam Tomorrow Monplaiser – Not in the costume Jahzzar – Riots John Bartmann – Happy African Village Doctor Turtle – You Um Ill Ah SUPPORT NGO Resgatinhos NGO Bicho Brother NGO Melhor Adotar REALIZATION Vets on the Road PRODUCTION Território Audiovisual and Etama Produções THANKS Marcelo Braga Bárbara de Albuquerque Elias Elaine Cristina Albuquerque Dantas Katia Judite João de Oliveira NGO RESCUES YACHT CLUB OF ITACURUÇÁ