A very clear message that life is not simply living, just as death is not simply dying, and that the position a man occupies before men is not necessarily the same as the one he occupies before God. Pastor Hernandes shows us in the light of the Bible that death comes to all people and that at the time of death God takes the saved to heaven. He also shows us the harsh reality of unconverted people, who will only discover the value of death too late, because hell is a place where there are memories of lost opportunities and a place where one can no longer help anyone, not even one's family. This message makes us deeply reflect on the fact that it is not cruel to talk about hell, but cruel to go there, because there is no longer any death. We can see that the person in the Bible who spoke most about hell was Jesus himself. But the wonder is knowing that we can escape hell, with only one condition to avoid going there, which is to believe in Jesus Christ, repent of our sins, recognize that we are unworthy, sinners and that God's justice demands our condemnation, but the grace of God provided a good for us: He gave His only Son to die for us, who deserved hell. He died in our place, paying for all our sins and transgressions. Website: http://www.ippinheiros.org.br/ Facebook: /ippinheiros Arival Dias Casimiro Channel: /arivaldiascasimiro Igreja Presbiteriana de Pinheiros. Av. das Nações Unidas 6151, Pinheiros - São Paulo.