The Batman game franchise is legendary in the gaming world, a franchise that was a reference for many others in technical terms, a franchise that brought a worthy adaptation to a gigantic character in pop culture. Today we will understand the genius behind this game series, and we will also understand how its legacy was almost destroyed by a silly decision by the studio. Instagram: / nielhell ???? Contact: [email protected] • CHECK OUT OTHER VIDEOS • BULLY 2 is an IMPOSSIBLE dream • GTA 6 ONLINE needs to IMPROVE these c... 00:00 - Introduction 01:48 - Part 1: A revolutionary franchise 13:24 - The true peak: Batman Arkham Knight 18:34 - Part 2: The stain on history 24:30 - Conclusion ❗Remember that in this video I go through all the games in the franchise in a more summarized way, the intention of the video is not to do a detailed analysis of each game. #batman