Charlie Munger is the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, chairman of the Daily Journal Corporation, and a business partner of Warren Buffett for nearly forty years. In The Tao of Charlie Munger, David Clark brings together a collection of thoughts and quotes from one of America’s most successful investors, whose personal fortune exceeds $2 billion. Throughout this session, and in the company of Javier Ruiz, chief investment officer at Horos AM, we will review some of the main lessons from this guide to succeeding in finance and in life. Visit our channel and discover much more about the world of investment!: / valueschool Follow us on our social networks! Twitter: / value_school LinkedIn / valueschool Facebook: / valueschool Instagram: / value.school “This video is disclosed for informational purposes only by Value School SL, and cannot be considered in any case as a contractual element, a recommendation or personalized advice. This video includes or may include the participation of professionals or companies outside of Value School SL that share information, express opinions or issue recommendations of products or services, with Value School, SL having no responsibility for them.