The program icon uses a graphic by Sebastian Waszczyk, which is the official illustration commemorating the UFO event on the commemorative plaque in Pascagoula, Mississippi. We thank the author! You can admire the artist's work here: https://www.artstation.com/sebastian_... There is a common image of a regular alien as a small humanoid with a disproportionately large head, a vestigial face and large eyes. This image has been perpetuated by ufology and pop culture. Since the beginning of meeting reports, real oddities have appeared between records of visits by "reasonable" aliens. Often only once, only once. In this episode, I invite you to take a look at three cases in which bizarre bogeymen appeared. Not-mummies, not-golems from Pascagoula, big-eared goblins from Hopkinsville and a real monster from Flatwoods. They have all received numerous studies, a kind of cult status, and sometimes even recognition as mascots of "their" towns. ???? Support us at: https://patronite.pl/sekielski ???? Direct payments: PL 16 1950 0001 2006 0339 0016 0002 - Kombinat Medialny Sp. z o. o., transfer title: Donation for a documentary film, Pekao SA SWIFT code: PKOPPLPW ???? in Euro - PL91 1950 0001 2033 9004 5000 0003, Pekao SA SWIFT code: PKOPPLPW ????https://Paypal.me/sekielscy