The Stormbirds have a pirate costume with a total of 35 zangers, which are all used as pirates. One musical group consists of 5 accordionists, a drummer, a slag/solo guitarist and a bass guitarist. The repertoire belongs to the Dutch and German shanty's, Ierse and Schotse ballades and many songs from the Dutch culture with me and the zingers and the flaps. Everything was said by the singers and musicians in an enthusiastic manner and brought together in a moment. Het heel wordt door onze conductor tot één heel smeed. We are a pirate choir with about 35 singers, all beautifully dressed as pirates. Our music group consists of 5 accordionists, a drummer, a percussion/solo guitarist and a bass guitarist. The repertoire consists of Dutch and German shanties, Irish and Scottish ballads and beautiful songs from Dutch culture to sing and clap along to. All of this is performed with enthusiasm by the singers and musicians, so that there is no chance of boredom. The whole thing is brought together by our conductor Joke.