Introduction to square root. How to calculate square root, examples of 2, 3 and 4 digits. The second part is now available, square root with decimal numbers: • Square root with decimal numbers 2:20 - Two-digit square root 3:11 - Three-digit square root 7:04 - Four-digit square root Note: In this class it is ensured that the inverse operation of the exponentiation is the square root, and although it is strictly speaking correct the inverse operation is the logarithm. However, for didactic reasons the square root is taught as the inverse operation of the exponentiation. Facebook Aprendópolis: / aprendopolis Twitter Aprendópolis: / aprendopolis Level: Argentina: Seventh grade Chile: 1st Secondary Colombia: Sixth grade Spain: 1st ESO Mexico: 1st Secondary Peru: 1st Secondary Sfx by freesfx.co.uk