This documentary offers an introduction to Gnostic thought, based primarily on the book The Forbidden Gnosis by José María Herrou Aragón. Throughout this video, key concepts of Gnosticism are addressed, such as the creation of the world, the nature of man, the origin of evil, and the distinction between body, soul, and Spirit. It explains how Gnostics perceive the creator god (the demiurge) as an imperfect being, whose creations are marked by limitation and suffering. In addition, it delves into the idea that, beyond this creator god, there exists an unknowable and superior God, whom human beings can only approach through spiritual liberation. The work also explores the different classifications of the human being according to their relationship with the body, soul, and Spirit, and how these divisions have influenced various spiritual traditions. This video seeks to bring Gnostic thought in an accessible way to those interested in understanding this alternative vision of the universe and human nature. In future episodes, we will delve into additional topics such as the role of Satan, Lucifer, the serpent, and other key concepts of Gnosticism.