NETOLAND SHOW WITH LUCCAS NETO TICKET: 03/03: Campinas/SP Prime Hall: 17:30 WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://bit.ly/LNCampinas 04/03: Sorocaba/SP Clube Recreativo Campestre: 17:30 WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://bit.ly/LNSorocaba 11/03: Rio de Janeiro/RJ VivoRio: 15h WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://bit.ly/LNVivoRio 17/03: Goiânia/GO Teatro Puc: 17h WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://bit.ly/LNGoiania 18/03: Uberlândia/MG Acropolis: 17h WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://bit.ly/LNUberlandia 25/03: Curitiba/PR Teatro Postivo: 15:30 WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://bit.ly/LNUberlandia TICKET: http://bit.ly/LNCuritiba 03/31: Canoas /RS Park Shopping Canoas WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://minhaentrada.com.br/LucasNetoP... 03/31: Porto Alegre/RS Teatro Sesi WEBSITE WITH TICKETS: http://minhaentrada.com.br/LucasNetoT... Social media: INSTAGRAM: LuccasNetoBR - https://goo.gl/x7QXzy FACEBOOK: LuccasNetoReal - https://goo.gl/BdLnFa ATTENTION: The content is not part of any type of advertising content. All material produced in this video is for the entertainment of fans. I hope you enjoy it! Everyone using their imagination and creativity to live in a world of magic and fantasy! All minors who participate in this video are accompanied by their legal guardians, on the set, during recording. If the legal representative is not the father himself, he will have been formally appointed, by contract, by the parents or guardians to represent them in the recordings. Attention: Giovana Alparone is a contracted actress, with image rights reserved to her agency.