This is the secret to becoming rich in the pursuit of sustenance, the secret lies in the prayer that is done in the right way and solemnly in doing it. If the prayer that is done is correct and solemn, surely whatever is asked for will be quickly achieved and granted by Allah subhanahu wataala, let alone sustenance that can make us rich, whatever we need will be easy to get, even more than that. ============================= Let's spread all forms of goodness, whoever spreads one goodness will get similar goodness. Let's share the following video of Ustadz Adi Hidayat, so that we can get rewards and others will benefit from it. Don't forget to like and subscribe so you don't miss any study updates ============================== Source: @AdiHidayatOfficial #ustadzadihidayat #uah #uahterbaru #ceramah #ceramahustadzadihidayat #kajianustadzadihidayat #kajiantangansholat #sholat #keutamaansholat #nasehatislami #nasehatulama #doacepatkaya #kaya #kayaraya #motivasili #sukses #Islamicmotivation #da'wah #dawahsunnah