THE SACRED HERBS AND LEAVES OF THE ORIXÁS - the most complete video about Herbs and Leaves - Umbanda 🌿 BUY THE ENERGY BATHS E-BOOK NOW https://go.hotmart.com/M88821538B HERBS AND LEAVES TO OXALÁ O Levante A Erva Cidreira O Rosemary, Mint, Orange leaves, Bilberry, Cotton, Colony, Sweet grass, Marjoram, Palm leaves and branches, Sunflower, Fennel, Milk vine, White mallow. The laurel, The manacá, The white skirt, The coastal leaf, The Arnica. The white rose, The macassá, HERBS AND LEAVES FOR IEMANJÁ Iemanjá: The Jar, The paw of HERBS AND LEAVES OXUM The Penny leaf, The leaf of fortune, The mallow, The dracaena, The milk branch, The rose mallow, The narcissus, arnica, yellow flowers, lilies of all kinds, daisies, the flower of May, perfect love, honeysuckle, quioco, oriri, mutamba, melissa, macassá, yellow ipê, The leaf from the coast, The herb of Santa Maria, The herb of Santa Luzia, The colony, The yellow ROSE The chamomile, The fish roast, The water hyacinth; The basil, The marigold, The lemon balm The ginger, HERBS AND LEAVES FOR OXOSSI The Alfavaca, The jureminha, The caiçara, The carapiá or contra herb The rue, The weeping willow The open path, The malva rosa, The capeba, The peregum , The taioba, The elderberry, The jurema, The lemon grass, The acacia, The caboclo vine, The guava tree, The bird's herb, The guaco, The guinea, The malva do campo, The São gonçalinho, The Laurel, The hair of corn, eucalyptus, basil, fern, field rosemary, pariparoba, HERBS AND LEAVES FOR IANSÃ, holy herb, umbaúba, bamboo leaves, fire leaves, capeba, perientaria, thornless bredo , The white marigold, The basil, The dormideira, The sword of Saint Barbara, The yellow or coral flowers, The dracena, The poppy, The geranium, The bird's weed, The penny herb, The guinea, The jaborandi, The laurel, The rose malva, The nega mina, The peregum, The purple pinhão; The clinging love The bamboo, The dormideira The pomegranate, The pitangueira, The lavender HERBS AND LEAVES FOR XANGO The Costa leaf, The Matamba, The fragrant betis, The Levante, The mentrasto, The fire leaf, The cherry tree, The purple basil The flamboyant, The white fig tree, The mulberry tree, The nega mine The plum tree, The nobody can do it with me, The thousand-man vine, The coffee leaves, The mango leaf, The Guinea, The rue, The lemon tree, The umbaúba, The win demand, urucum, peach tree, pau pereira, para ray, nutmeg, nega mina, mutamba, mulungu, basil, malva fragrant, jackfruit, leaf of fortune, leaf of the coast, fedegoso , The penny grass, St. John's wort, Mackerel. Coffee Leaves Marjoram Mint, castor bean, gorse, black picão, cat's claw, rue, no one can do it with me, horse munch, holly, burdock, nightshade, cactus, cane sugar, fatigue, the catingueira, the rapids, the black fig tree, the leaf of fortune, the devil's claw, the hose, the pau d'alho, the pau santo, the coastal pepper, the purple pine, the nettle, The crybaby; Herb and leaves for OMULU and OBALUAIÊ Zinnia, lime orange leaves, purple basil leaves, corn leaves, old man's beard, mustard, old cinnamon, lilac agapanthus, black broom, aloe, dove fruit, canopy , to seven sangrias, The elderberry, the gervão, The moss, The marjoram, The castor bean, the holy espinheira, the carobinha do campo, the roast fish; Herb and leaves for NANÃ The purple alfavaca, The fish roast, The maidenhair, The marsh cane, The capeba, The cedrinho, The cypress, The bird's herb, The jar, The manacá, The black Maria, The mutamba, The quaresmeira , The milk branch; the lemon balm the purple pine nut the purple chrysanthemums the oriri ***************** ABOUT THE CHANNEL ******************* ****************** Umbanda - A religion that, with great humility, needs to be increasingly disseminated and disseminated, our Channel rescues its origins, always respecting other opinions and religions. On our Channel you will also find Fundamentals, Baths, Points, Roots, Stories, Curiosities among others, I ask you to Like our videos. Channel created by Medium Alexandre Papa, content creator, developer and administrator of the Eu Amo Minha Umbanda Channel. Contact: [email protected] #umbanda #ervasefolhas #ervasefolhasdosorixas