Welcome to the Central Revival TV Channel! Here you will find powerful messages straight from the Word of God. Our sermons are prepared to edify and strengthen you in your faith. Each message is based on solid biblical principles. The Word of God brings direction and hope to any situation you are facing. Watch until the end and allow God to speak to your heart. Exercise Your Generosity, be a blesser of the Central Revival Ministry. Via Pix or Bank Transfer. Pix Key (CNPJ): 30.245.793/0001-70 Bradesco Bank: Branch 6023 Cc. 213-5 Santander Bank: Branch 3391 Cc. 13004988-9 Subscribe to the channel to receive new messages and share with your friends. Be ready to be impacted by the Word of God! Turn on notifications so you don't miss any sermons. Enjoy every moment and be encouraged! Follow us on social media: Instagram: / centraldoavivamento Facebook: / centraldoavivamentoja Our services: SUNDAY - 10AM 6:30PM THURSDAY - 7:30PM Address: Av. Jornalista Roberto Marinho, 2,260 - Jd. Alcântara - SG RJ.