Have you ever thought about how seeking approval can limit your life and your dreams? In this video, I share a powerful message about how trusting in God’s word is enough to fulfill His purpose for you. Using the story of Moses, I show that no matter your past or the opinions of those around you, God has a perfect plan for your life. Don’t let the need for validation paralyze what He wants to accomplish through you. The story of Moses teaches us that God chooses the unlikely to fulfill His mission. Even when Moses felt inadequate, God revealed that His strength came from Him, not from circumstances. The same truth applies to us. It is liberating to understand that we do not need to prove our worth to anyone; God’s approval is more than enough. If you have been carrying the weight of other people’s opinions, I invite you to surrender that to God. True validation does not come from people’s words or applause, but from the fruits that come from obedience to God’s purpose. Allow this message to transform the way you see your journey and renew your confidence in what God is doing in your life. -------------- You can also listen to the sermons on the platforms below: • Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/2yXSY... • Deezer - https://www.deezer.com/br/artist/1473... • Napster - https://br.napster.com/artist/deive-l... Technical details: Direction: Nick Miranda (@Nick_miranda) Executive production: Nonstop / Marco Antonio Martins Technical production: Zebra Filmes Audio capture and mixing: Kaléu Runze Keyboard: Andre Fuckner Colorist: Erick Moraes Editing: Thierry Felipe finalization: Nick Miranda Art design / Motion Design: Pedro Merino