The 32-bit integer format is widely used in the world of programming. It is adopted as standard in many programming languages and is highly convenient as it can handle approximately 4.3 billion different numbers. However, in recent years, the limitations of this format have become apparent, causing a variety of major problems. This video introduces a number of examples of problems caused by the 32-bit integer format. 0:00 Introduction0:34 The 20XX problem3:03 The 2038 problem7:14 The 497-day problem, etc.11:01 The IPv4 address exhaustion problem16:39 The capacity barrier23:45 Summary27:15 Conclusion27:35 Digression (about the automotive term "kei")29:59 Ending[The 2038 problem] ・A series of problems with the "2038 problem" https://xtech.nikkei.com/it/members/N... ・Epoch & Unix Timestamp Conversion Tools https://www.epochconverter.com/ [XX-day problem] ・The n-day problem (the 497-day problem and its variants) https://marujx.hatenablog.com/entry/2... ・Problems occur 49.7 days after booting the OS (CONTEC) https://contec.e-srvc.com/app/answers...・New 208.5-day problem - Systems with Intel® Xeon® Processor E5 hung after upgrade of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 https://hisayosh.github.io/posts/2013... ・Boeing 787 at risk of power outage after 248 days of continuous power (Reuters) https://jp.reuters.com/article/world/... ・A Reverse Engineer's Perspective on the Boeing 787 '51 days' Airworthiness Directive https://ioactive.com/reverse-engineer... [IPv4-related] ・Highlights from the Vint Cerf Hangout • Highlights from the Vint Cerf Hangout ・Promoting the spread of IPv6 (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) → Chapter 2 Current state of IPv6 (overseas and domestic trends, problems when IPv6 is not supported, challenges when IPv6 is supported) https://www.soumu.go.jp/menu_seisaku/... [Capacity barrier-related] ・SD Association https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/form... ・A Guide to SD and microSD Card Types https://www.kingston.com/en/blog/pers... ・Disk sector (English version of Wikipedia) ・NTFS overview (Microsoft) https://learn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/win... ・NTFS vs FAT vs exFAT (NTFS.com) https://www.ntfs.com/ntfs_vs_fat.htm [Other] ・About the abbreviation for "Keio" https://x.com/taromatsumura/status/17... ・The abbreviation for "dormitory" (Geba characters?) https://x.com/Baron_Fukushima/status/... #Slowly #SlowlyExplained #Computer #PC