Mauro Szeta tells you the story behind the film that tells the story of the robbery of the Río de Acassuso bank branch on January 13, 2006, known as the Robbery of the Century. A gang of six robbers armed with toy guns took 23 hostages and stole $19 million from 147 safe deposit boxes, which they later abandoned after fleeing. In this second part, Mauro Szeta tells you how the robbery of the century began and was planned. ------------------------------------------------------------ ▸▸Watch today's news on video: • FlashChat - today's news ▶ What are women wondering today? Watch → • Telefem ▶ Every week, 3 videos recorded on security cameras, here → • Recorded on Camera #REC ▸▸Keep informed at https://telefenoticias.com.ar/ ▸ The highlights of Telefe Noticias live → • DRUNK BUS DRIVER on a TRIP ... ▶ The best special reports from our journalists: • HOW is it to COME OUT of the CLOSET DAYS after ... ⫸ See you also on Twitter / telefenoticias and Instagram / telefenoticias