TRANSFORMING YOUR FIAT MAREA INTO A FIREWORKS! NEW SPA TURBO MANIFOLD! SEE WHAT CHANGES! by ESCUDERIA HANS ____________________________________________________________________________________________ In this video we brought the new thing we developed for those who want to turbocharge their Marea! See the improvements we made to the new manifold with reinforcement and new positioning of the wastegate valve! Allowing you to drive with more power, more durability and making the tuner's life easier at the time of installation! #spaturbo #marea #fivetech #hanscar #5cilcindros #roncomarea #coletorturbo #spa #spaturbobrasil #fiat #fivetechturbo #roncofivetech ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Did you like this video? Don't forget to subscribe to our channel to follow the next content: https://bit.ly/3g08aDV ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you like the universe of prepared cars? Then be sure to follow SPA TURBO on social media 📸 Instagram: https://bit.ly/3dDJnnD 💻 Facebook: https://bit.ly/2B5W8u6 🔧 Blog: https://bit.ly/2Nz0V9W ____________________________________________________________________________________________ SPA Turbo is a pioneer in the prepared car market in Brazil, with over 30 years of experience in the market and over 3000 products available on our website (www.spaturbo.com.br) and other points of sale (Mercado Livre, Amazon and other marketplaces). Website: https://bit.ly/3csTBXB Mercado Livre: https://bit.ly/3cipTVg B2W Group: https://bit.ly/3bb56CW Cnova Group: https://bit.ly/2RDuKsn Amazon: https://amzn.to/2z8gdhZ ____________________________________________________________________________________________