The time has finally come to show the result of the transformation we carried out on the Praça Apartment, a property over 40 years old, 91 m2, 3 bedrooms, in the heart of Praça da Ucrânia, in Curitiba. We created a very modern, minimalist project, with integration of the kitchen with the living room and many interesting transformations, but all this without losing the essence of our clients, who trusted our work for the second time. So take the opportunity to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to leave your comments, share with friends and family. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM FOR MORE CONTENT @leonardo.tulli For quotes, fill out the form on the page https://tullistudio.com.br/interiores... We provide in-person service in Curitiba and São Paulo and online for the entire world. Thank you! Leonardo Tulli #interiordesign #renovation #architecture