⚔️????️ Join our telegram channel: https://t.me/exercitodesaomiguel Follow the CTH Profile on Instagram: / cth.institutohesed Powerful Combat Rosary with Sister Maria Raquel, Sister Emanuel Maria, Sister Luis Maria and Sister João da Cruz. Get to know the Hesed Institute, our works, and much more: https://paginas.institutohesed.org.br... DOWNLOAD THE HESED APP: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/br/app/institu... Send your testimony: WhatsApp: (85) 99921-0295 Or email: [email protected] Follow the HeSed Institute also on Instagram: https://instagram.com/irkelly_institu... (@irkelly_institutohesed_oficial) LIVES: Holy Rosary at 5:00 am Holy Rosary Miraculous Novena of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii at 12:00 pm Rosary of Mercy at 2:30 pm Rosary of Combat at 7:00 pm Who is like God? Nobody! #hesedaovivo #LentRetreat2023 #HesedInstitute #combatrosary #lent #lent