Base Text: Luke 24:49 Sermon on the Holy Spirit - 04/22/2018 When we look at the texts of Acts 1:4-8 and Acts 2:1-4 we see Jesus' promise about the descent of the Holy Spirit, who came from heaven in a way similar to the wind, and just like the wind, the Spirit acts where it wants, when it wants and in whom it wants. The Spirit can be similar to fire, which has two characteristics: it either spreads or goes out, and in order to spread it needs food. When we are filled, we reveal some characteristics of this, such as courage to expand the kingdom, we are able to forgive, we are also able to have the willingness to die for Christ and speak with boldness. The great final reflection is whether our life is filled with the Holy Spirit, whether we are perceiving the signs of this filling in our hearts. Website: http://www.ippinheiros.org.br/ Facebook: / ippinheiros Arival Dias Casimiro Channel: / arivaldiascasimiro Igreja Presbiteriana de Pinheiros. United Nations Avenue 6151, Pinheiros - Sao Paulo.