⬇️Contact information for the judges of The Possessed People⬇️ The possessed people of Korea have gathered! An open rookie test that will determine their fate! A fierce 2-day and 1-night trial that you can't see anywhere else! To determine the clear winner!! The final episode of The Possessed People will be first aired on [Manshin TV] this Sunday at 10 PM. Miss Yeonggeum Kim Yoon-hee: 010 2256 4258 Na-rat-gung Yeo-mu-gang Shin-jeong: 010 2188 1421 Park Bi-joo: 010 8854 1450 (Chairman of the Jury) Kwon Se-eun: 010 9024 1253 Cheonhwa Seon-nyeo-gung: 010 4201 9376 The winner of The Possessed People, Geumhwa Seon-nyeo: 010 9689 7318 We would like to thank all the [judges] who gave it their all and all the applicants who applied. #ManshinTV #NewByulTest #NewByulPublicTest #ShinNaerimGut #NaerimGut #Mudang #ShinJeom #FortuneTelling #FourJoos #YongHanJeomJip #FamousJeomJip #Manshin #MugTest #ShinByul #ShinDaeRim #KwonSeEun #CheonHwaSeonNyeoGung #YoungGeumAh #KangSinJeong #ParkBiJoo