Sarlat, Brantôme, or Périgueux: in addition to being one of the most visited regions in France thanks to its landscapes and historical heritage, Périgord is also famous for its gastronomy, which has become an art of living. Because this is where truffles, walnuts and foie gras reign supreme. Farmer or craftsman, professional or amateur chef, winemaker or lover of medieval cuisine, the Périgord natives, by birth or adoption, welcome Tiga in her new adventure. A stroll that takes the journalist to every corner of Périgord, from the kitchens of fortified castles to the Sarlat market or the heart of the Monbazillac vineyard. The notebook of good addresses Echappées Belles in Périgord! Beynac Castle: http://chateau-beynac.com Marqueyssac Gardens: http://marqueyssac.com Canoeing on the Dordogne: http://canoedordogne.com Lapeyre Mill: http://perigordverttourisme.com/Coute... François' Périgord knives: https://www.couteau-leperigord.com Guest house and medieval evenings at the La Fagette estate: https://www.lafagette.com Les Deux Abbesses en vert guest house: https://lesdeuxabbessesenvert.com Where to eat: Thomas' pizzas: / privatepizzaparties The Château de Beynac tea room: http://chateau-beynac.com Where to enjoy foie gras ice cream: Le Glacier de Brantôme http://glacier-brantome.com O2 Zième tapas bar, Périgueux / o2ziem Good restaurants: La Tour des Vents, 1-star gourmet restaurant, in Monbazillac http://www.tourdesvents.com Le Bistrot de Malfourat, Monbazillac / bistrotdemalfourat Le Bistrot de l'Octroi, Sarlat http://www.lebistrodeloctroi.fr/?lang=en Le Présidial – 6 rue Landry, 24200 Sarlat http://lepresidial.fr Les Jardins d'Harmonie, place André Malraux 24200 Sarlat http://www.lesjardinsdharmonie.com Cows like no other: http://www.bienvenue-a-la-ferme.com/…... Saint-Pierre-de-Frugie, a pesticide-free village: http://www.saintpierredefrugie.fr/ Ferme auberge de Rebeyrotte: http://www.bienvenue-a-la-ferme.com/…... Le Grand Bleu, a gourmet restaurant in Sarlat: http://www.legrandbleu.eu/ La ferme de Turnac http://www.fermedeturnac.com/ Caviar de Neuvic http://www.caviar-de-neuvic.com/